About founder
I am Mrs Tebello Malichaba Lepheane, born and raised in the Kingdom of Lesotho. I am a purpose -driven registered nurse who moved to UK some time ago and little did I know this was an opportunity to come face to face with my destiny and hence the birth of Starlight in 2017.

In my long but humbling nursing career spanning over two decades, I have looked after countless
patients. Through the years, there are those whom when I took care of them, had their eyes locked on mine in a way that I cannot shake away the internal imprints their helplessly looking gaze left in my heart, my soul, my head and my spirit. In their memory, I purposed it that I will not fail them by staying aside when so many continue as they did: being distressed by cancer pain and other related symptoms.
Thankfully, I graduated from feeling helpless and began to see how I can be of service to cancer patients and their families. “The best way to not feel hopeless is to get up and do something. don’t wait for good things to happen to you. if you go out and make some good things happen, you will fill the world with hope, you will fill yourself with hope” Barack Obama.
Therefore, as Starlight we will walk with you cancer patients … hold our hands, we will hold yours – together we shall overcome, our lights shine brighter when we are together, hold on HOPE for tomorrow and look up in the sky and see if you can discover the rainbow in the sky smiling down on
you and your issues.
We don’t promise the journey will be smooth, but we are on the game. We are committed to serving the beloved people of the Kingdom of Lesotho.
Many thanks to our esteemed donors, trustees, stakeholders, and our dear Starlight family. Our gratitude also goes to our families, friends, and members of the public in terms of their time, resources, emotional and psychospiritual investments into the Starlight Palliative and Hospice Care Movement.
“Let Vision 2020 be a band which binds us together and which strengthens our oneness, a catalyst that spurs us on to higher levels of performance and achievement.” H. M King Letsie III
Molimo a boloke Lesotho le Basotho